Deciding to spend your life with someone is one of the most important moments in your life. Your purchase of an engagement ring to symbolize this commitment is one of your largest purchases that you will ever make. It is important to do your homework and prepare yourself so that you can have confidence in your purchase and the process. We have prepared for you a few steps to help guide you in the preparations for this special occasion in your life.
How to Purchase a Diamond Engagement Ring
Decide How Much You Want to Spend
Knowing how much you want to spend is crucial in determining your perimeters in finding the right engagement ring for you. It is important to be upfront with your budget so that your diamond specialist can find the right options to suit your needs and stay within your price limit.
Understand Her Taste and Style
Every future bride has a unique style of her own. Pay attention to the styles of jewelry she gravitates towards. Notice what she is drawn to when browsing in jewelry stores, passing their windows or on the fingers of her friends and acquaintances. Is she more modern or classic with her style choices? Does she like simple or ornate styles? Does she wear white or yellow metal jewelry? Also keep in mind her day to day life. What sort of overall styles of rings will fit her lifestyle. These are all questions that can help guide you in picking a ring.
Once you understand her personal style, you should be able to decide on her setting style.
- Solitaire- A single stone set in your choice of metal
- Trinity- Three stones set in the metal of your choice. They can be all the same shape of stone, or different side stones to accent and enhance the center stone.
- Side Stones- small diamonds running down the sides of the ring along the finger. With or without a halo around the center stone.
- Halo- a row or two of diamonds around the center stone. Often, but not always with diamonds going down the side of the ring along the finger.
Know Her Finger Size
Knowing your future fiancés finger size can be very important to know when choosing certain styles of engagement rings. Plain rings with no side stones down the sides of the ring are much easier to size, so it is not as crucial to have an accurate size in mind. But with some of the more popular current styles that have a row or two of diamonds down the side of the ring, a size is very important.
If she wears rings, borrow her ring to bring to your diamond specialist, or to your local jeweler to get the size measured. Make a note of what finger she wears that ring on. Traditionally engagement rings are worn on your second finger beside your pinky on your left hand. Ideally a ring on this finger would be best to measure. You can also ask her mother, sister or friend if they know her approximate size. If there is no way of finding out, a specialist can estimate based on her weight, build type and height. If you must estimate, always estimate slightly larger so that when you present the ring, she is able to fit it on her finger. The ring can later be sized down to her correct size.
Choose a Center Stone(s)
The best point to start when choosing a center stone(s), is to know what shape of diamond she likes. If she has not vocalized shapes, there are some thoughts you can keep in mind. She will be wearing this ring likely everyday for the rest of her life. It is wise to choose something that is versatile to suit her daily life as well as special occasions. If you are uncertain on shapes, it is sensible to stick to classics such as round or cushion shapes. They are by far the most classic shapes because they appeal to the most people.
The best way to choose a center stone is to get a basic education in the 4 c’s of diamonds. The Gemological Institute of America created the 4 C’s grading system to help better understand and create a benchmark for comparing diamonds. Understanding the 4 C’s helps you identify the quality and value of diamond you are purchasing.
The 4 C’S of Diamonds

Carat refers to the weight of the diamond, not the size of the diamond. Diamonds of equivalent weight are not necessarily the same in size. Different proportions and depths will result in different size and weights.

Cut is often mistakenly considered the shape of a diamond. The cut value in the 4 C’s is the brilliance, fire and scintillation of the diamond. Essentially the cut is how the light is returned and reflected due to the diamonds facets. Brilliance is the combination of white light reflected from the surface and the inside of the diamond. Fire are the flashes of colour you see in a diamond. Scintillation are the flashes of light when the diamond moves. For the best cut results, there needs to be a combination of factors with the proportions of the facets, the symmetry of the facets, the relationship of the stones weight with its overall diameter, girdle thickness, and quality of its polish. If a stone is cut too deep, too shallow or the proportions are off, it will affect the brilliance, fire and scintillation and not give you the commonly desired sparkle.

A diamonds colour is measured on a D-to-Z colour grading scale. All diamonds are evaluated on this scale based on the absence of colour. D being the most desirable with the absence of any colour.

Clarity is graded based on the absence of inclusions and blemishes. Inclusions are internal characteristics, while blemishes are external on the surface. When diamonds are graded in the lab they are evaluated under 10X magnification. There are 11 clarity grades varying from Flawless meaning no interior or exterior flaws to Included meaning that the inclusions are visible with the naked eye.